what is energy healing?
Energy work or energy healing, also known as energy medicine, is a broad term for modalities that encompass a variety of techniques that work on the body’s energy field. Energy healing is a natural method of raising the body’s own innate vibrational field to a higher level, which clears the blockages that contribute to imbalance and dis-ease.
What's the belief behind energy healing?
Energy healing works on the principle that our physical body and life experiences are informed by the energies that exist in our energy field, and any imbalances or blocks in our energy field can contribute to emotional and physical challenges, limiting life patterns, and other discordant conditions.
what is long-distance/remote healing?
Long-distance/quantum/remote energy work is targeted and intentional healing sent at a distance, which can be explained by quantum physics. Non-locality, or entanglement phenomenon, is the ability of objects to know each other no matter how far apart they are. Einstein called it spooky action at a distance. So according to quantum entanglement, we can affect each other without being together.
what if i'm not local to you?
Long-distance healing works through the understanding that energy is not limited by physical proximity. As an energy healer, Melissa is able to connect with and work on your energetic field regardless of where you are located. So whether you’re across town or across the globe, we can still work together to facilitate your transformation and promote holistic wellness.
how will energy healing help me?
On one level, energy work clears out your energetic blueprint, this includes chakras, meridians, stagnant energies, and any other energetic debris. On a deeper level, energy work releases energies tied to early traumas, energies passed down your ancestral line, energies carried over from past life times, karmic pattern energies, limiting belief energies, energies of imbalance in the body, and any other energy which needs to be harmonized. Which leaves you on a more aligned path to live a happier and healthier life.
how do i prepare for my session?
When it comes to receiving long-distance energy, you don’t have to take a timeout and sit still or lie down for a session. It can actually happen anytime, anywhere. You could be driving to work or going about your day, and still receive the healing. That’s because our body’s cells are incredibly intelligent. They can pull in the energy and use it to activate wellness within.
will i feel anything during my session?
Energy healing is unique to each individual, so it’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to experience it. It all depends on your personal level of sensitivity. You may find yourself feeling deeply relaxed, perhaps even drifting off to sleep. Some people notice sensations throughout their body, while others may not feel anything in particular. Whatever you experience during the session is completely valid and part of your own healing journey. So just allow yourself to be open and receptive, knowing that the process is working in it’s own subtle ways.
How will i feel after my session?
After a session, you may feel lighter, more energized, and more at peace. When your frequency changes, everything changes. You may feel more in alignment with life and everything in general. You will be shifting, so everything around you will be shifting as well.